Circle of the One


Unlock the extraordinary power within you and join a community of like-minded individuals on a path of profound self-discovery.

Circle of The One invites you to step into a world where your story of transformation takes center stage alongside 32 other extraordinary souls.

Together, we will weave a tapestry of awe-inspiring narratives that celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and guide others toward healing, enlightenment, and the divine within.

Within each captivating volume of Circle of The One, you will find 33 diverse authors who fearlessly lay bare their personal journeys of breakthroughs. These stories will take you on an epic voyage, transcending the boundaries of struggle and leading you to the pinnacle of triumph. As these narratives intertwine, they create an awe-inspiring testament to the infinite potential that lies within each and every one of us.

Your chapter in Circle of The One is an invitation to embrace the God or Goddess within you and share your unique journey of transformation. It is an opportunity to illuminate the path for others, to guide them through their own trials and tribulations, and to empower them to embrace their own divine essence. By sharing your story, you become a beacon of light, inspiring others to tap into their inner strength and embrace their true selves.

Circle of The One is more than just a book; it is a sacred space where healing and enlightenment converge. It is a sanctuary for those seeking spiritual growth, connection, and a profound sense of purpose.

By purchasing your chapter, you become an integral part of this divine movement, one that will impact lives and transform hearts across the globe.

Imagine the profound impact your story can have on someone's life. Your words have the power to uplift, to ignite a spark of realization, and to guide others toward their own path of self-discovery. Within Circle of The One, you will find a community of kindred spirits who understand the transformative power of sharing and embracing our divine nature.

So, are you ready to step into the sacred Circle of The One?


Circle of One" is not merely a story; it is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition. It challenges readers to reflect on their own lives, encouraging them to embrace moments of solitude and self-reflection to discover their true essence.

Deborah Riekeman Raisner

This book offers very uplifting stories from individuals who have lived through trauma and setbacks that most individuals can relate to. It offers hope that no matter your situation, it will get better with strength, spiritual inspiration, and determination. Great easy read.

Dora C

To see such a talented collection of individuals work together to create something greater than the sum of the parts is both refreshing and powerful!! If you are someone looking to unlock the next level of your life this an opportunity to look at success from many angles and learn from the successes and failures of other great minds!!

Darius Marcel Hagens

$3,333.00 USD

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before purchasing a chapter in Circle of The One. By making a payment and indicating your acceptance of these terms, you agree to be bound by the following conditions:

Chapter Reservation: When you purchase a chapter in a volume of Circle of The One, you are securing your place in that specific volume. By reserving a chapter, you understand that you are taking up a designated space within the book.

NO REFUNDS: Due to the unique and collaborative nature of this project, THERE ARE NO REFUNDS once a payment has been made. Once your purchase is complete, it is considered final and non-refundable. We encourage you to carefully consider your decision before making a payment.

Ownership and Intellectual Property: No royalties from the sales of any product associated with the Circle of The One project, which is owned byElevitality, will be paid to the authors. However, by participating and submitting your chapter, you grant Elevitality permission to use your original story in a designated volume of Circle of The One as deemed necessary to promote the project. You retain the intellectual rights to your story, allowing you to use it in other contexts or publications.

Exclusive Right Assignment: Elevitality reserves the exclusive right to assign or reassign your chapter to a different volume than initially agreed upon. While we strive to maintain the original allocation, circumstances may arise where reassignment is necessary to ensure the cohesion and balance of the volumes.

Commitment to Participation: By purchasing a chapter, you acknowledge your commitment to contributing your transformative story to Circle of The One. You understand that your chapter will be a part of the collective work and will be published as part of the volume. We expect a sincere dedication to completing and submitting your chapter within the specified timeframe, as outlined by the project guidelines.

Editing and Proofreading: Please note that your chapter may be subject to editing and proofreading for clarity, consistency, and overall quality. Circle of The One reserves the right to make necessary editorial changes to ensure the cohesiveness and readability of the book. However, we will strive to preserve the integrity and essence of your unique story.

Payment and Publication: Your account must be paid in full prior to the publication of your chapter. If the balance remains unpaid by the time of publication, Elevitality reserves the exclusive right to defer the publication of your story to a later volume until the balance is paid in full.

Best Selling Status:  Elevitality and Circle of The One make no guarantee that the book or any volume will reach Best Selling Status in any category or marketplace that sells books or similar products, whether digital or physical. While we strive for excellence, sales outcomes are subject to various factors beyond our control.

Confidentiality: Circle of The One values the privacy and confidentiality of all participants. However, please be aware that once your chapter is published, it will be available to the public and accessible by readers worldwide. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any personal information or experiences shared within your chapter.

Legal Compliance: By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that you have the legal capacity and authority to enter into this agreement and that your participation in Circle of The One does not violate any laws, regulations, or agreements that you are bound by.

Please ensure that you carefully read and understand these terms and conditions before making your payment. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for clarification. Your acceptance of these terms is a binding agreement between you and Elevitality.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey!

Elevitality | Circle of The One